• Dendrobium wardianum Warner

    Dendrobium wardianum Warner

    Dendrobium wardianum Warner,The stem is slanted or drooping, fleshy and thick, cylindrical, usually 16-46 cm long and 7-15 mm thick, unbranched, with multiple nodes; The internodes are swollen and rod-shaped, measuring 2-4 centimeters in length. After drying, they appear pale yellow with black stains. The leaves are thin and leathery, arranged in two rows, narrow and round, measuring 5.5-15 cm in length and 1.7-2 cm in width, with a sharp apex and a sheath at the base; The leaf sheath tightly embraces the stem, and after drying, the sheath opening often opens. The raceme inflorescence originates from the middle and upper part of the old stem with fallen leaves, and has 1-3 flowers; The inflorescence stem is thick and short,…

  • Dendrobium hercoglossum Rchb. F.

    Dendrobium hercoglossum Rchb. F.

    Dendrobium hercoglossum Rchb. F. is an epiphytic herbaceous plant of the Dendrobium genus in the Orchidaceae family. The stem droops, cylindrical or sometimes gradually thickens from above the base, usually 8-40 centimeters long and 2-5 millimeters thick, with few to many nodes, internodes 1.5-2 centimeters long, and pale yellow after drying. The leaves are thin and leathery, with a narrow circular or elongated lanceolate shape, measuring 4-10 cm in length and 4-8 mm in width. The tips are blunt and have two unequal circular slits, and the base has a sheath tightly attached to the stem. The inflorescence usually consists of several flowers, originating from an old stem with fallen leaves and often bearing 2-3 flowers; The inflorescence axis is…

  • Dendrobium ‘Fire Bird’

    Dendrobium ‘Fire Bird’

    Dendrobium ‘Fire Bird’, a genus of Dendrobium in the Orchidaceae family. Belonging to Dendrobium nobile. Dendrobium nobile usually blooms between March and May, and the flowering period is generally around half a month to a month. Horticultural variety Dendrobium, Den. Stardust ‘Fire Bird’ Orange Firebird. The orange flowers are the authentic color of the firebird. The offspring of the unicorn Dendrobium are crossbred and suitable for planting on a board. They like sunlight and grow into clusters of plants with a large number of flowers, which are very spectacular

