Dendrobium hercoglossum Rchb. F. is an epiphytic herbaceous plant of the Dendrobium genus in the Orchidaceae family. The stem droops, cylindrical or sometimes gradually thickens from above the base, usually 8-40 centimeters long and 2-5 millimeters thick, with few to many nodes, internodes 1.5-2 centimeters long, and pale yellow after drying. The leaves are thin and leathery, with a narrow circular or elongated lanceolate shape, measuring 4-10 cm in length and 4-8 mm in width. The tips are blunt and have two unequal circular slits, and the base has a sheath tightly attached to the stem. The inflorescence usually consists of several flowers, originating from an old stem with fallen leaves and often bearing 2-3 flowers; The inflorescence axis is…