The stem of Dendrobium exile Schltr. is upright, thin cylindrical, somewhat woody, up to 50 centimeters long, about 3 millimeters thick, often branched in the upper part, and 2-3 internodes above the base are swollen and spindle shaped; The swollen stem is fleshy, measuring 4.5 centimeters in length and about 8 millimeters in thickness, with 4 edges. It is covered with a light white membranous sheath when young and reddish brown and glossy when old. Leaves usually alternate in the upper part of branches, upright, flattened cylindrical, measuring 2.5-6 cm in length and 1.5-2.5 mm in width, with sharp tips and leathery sheaths at the base. Inflorescence reduced to a single flower, lateral to the top of branches, white, spreading;…
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